Applications are invited from suitable qualified candidates for admission into full-time Postgraduate Diploma and Masters Programmes, FULL-TIME phD.
programmes in the MODIBBO Adama University Of Technology, Yola for the 2018/2019 academic Session.
a) Department Of Agric. Economics & Extension
(i) MSC Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology respectively
(ii) an. Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology respectively
b) Department of Aninal Science
(i) Master Of Animal Production (MAP)
(ii) MSC- Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry
(iii) an. Animal Nutrition
c) Department of Crop Production and Horticulture
(i) pGD Postnarvest Physiology and Storage Technology
(ii) M. Tech Agronomy, Crop Breeding, Postnarvest Physiology and Storage Technology respectively
(iii) an- Agronomy, CfOD Breeding, Postnar vest Physiology and Storage Technology respectively
(I) Department of Crop Probation
d) PGD Crop Protection
(ii) MTecn GOO Protection
(iii) an. GOO Protection With options in Nematology, Bacteriology, Mycology and Entomology
e) Department of Fisheries
(i) pGD Fisheries Technology
(ii) MTecn- Fisheries Management and Aquaculture
(iV) pill). Fisheries Management and Aquaculture in Flsn Nutrition,
Fish Breeding and Genetics, Aquatic Toxicology, Environmental Pollution, Processing and Preservation, Fisheries Management, Fish Technology, Fish Biology, Fish Pathology and Pathobiology Water quality and Hydrobiology, Fish Molecular Taxonomy etc.
f Department of Food Sclenoe and Technology
(i) M. Tecn-Food Science and Technology
g) Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management
(i) pGD Forestry Technology, Wildlife Conservation and Managemen
(ii) M.Tecn Ecosystems Management (Options in Forest Biology and Ecology, Wildlife Conservation and Management)
(iii) M- Tech Forest pi'OdUCtS Management and Utilization (Options in Forest Resource Management and Forest Economics and pOliCY)
(iV) an- Ecosystems Management (Options in Forest Biology and Ecology, Wildlife Conservation and Management)
(V) Ph.D Forest pdeUCtS Management and Utilization (Options in Forest Resource Management and Forest Economics and pOliCy)
h) Departmentof Soil Science
a) P60 in Soil Management and Land Use Planning
(ii) M.Tecn Soil Science
(iii) PhD. Soil Science
The following may qualify for admission into the specified postgraduate Programmes:
8.1 Postgraduate Dlploma
(a) Graduates Of MAUTECH or any other recognized University With at least a Third-Class Degree in relevant disciplines
(b) Holders Of the Higher National Diploma (l'lND) With at least a Lower Credit (CGPA Of 3.50 on a S-points scale) pass in relevant Discipline
(C) Holders or other professional qualifications which may be acceptable to the Board Of the School Of Postgraduate Studies and Senate Of the University.
(d) ln special cases candidates, may be admitted after passing SUCh tests, examinations, etc, as may be prescribed by a Department/School.
8.2 Master's Degree
(a) Holders Of first Degree Of MAUTECH with at least a Second Class Honours in relevant subjects
(b) Holders or equivalent qualifications from Other recognized Universities
(C) A candidate With a Third class honours degree or HND With Lower Credit (CGPA Of3.50 on a S-points scale) may be eligible if either:
- He/Sne has good relevant Postgraduate Diploma With Lower CreditCC-PA Of 3.50 on a S-points scale),
- He/Sne passes any prescribed qualifying examination for admission-
8.3 Doctor of Philosophy
(a) Candidates who hold a Master 'S Degree Of MAUTECH with (GPA of 3-50 (on a S-points scale) or 60% and above
(b) Candidates With equivalent qualifications from other recognized Universities.
9. General Admlsslon Requlrements
(a) Candidates mUSt nave passed at Credit level in at least five departmental relevant subjects including English Language and Mathematics.
(b) where required by Department/School Postgraduate committee, a candidate may be required to Sit for and pass a qualifying examination either before approval or niS/ her registration or at any appropriate State Of his/her programme.
a. Postgraduate Diploma programme by Course work and Project Report FuII~Timez 2 Semester 5 12 Calendar Months
b. Master’s Degree Programmeby Course work and Thesis or Project Report forMBA and MPA
Full-tlme Master’s Degree
- Minimum duration: 3 Semesters or 18 calendar Months
- Maximum duration: 6 Semester S or 36 calendar Months
C. pill). programme by Course work and Thesis.
- Minimum Duration: 6 Semester S or 36 calendar Months
- Maximum duration: 10 Semester S or 60 calendar months
Prospective candidates should Visit the official website or SPGS MAUTECl-l at and
i. Create a Candidate Account using your official name, personal email and mobile number (by navigating to
ii. Acquire an Application Token (PIN) at the sum of N10,000.00 using the same email (or your Candidate Account Number (CAN) which can be found under your Profile)
iii. Sign into your Candidate Account and fill the online form for the programme of your choice and submit Ensure you review your application and adhere to applicable instructions before submitting your application-
iv. Print two copies of the application.
v. Applicants are to download the online reference form, have it completed by three Referees (the same referees you opted for while applying) and sent the forms to the address below along with the printed application forms and other relevant credentials like certificates and NYSC discharge certificate or exemption letter.
The Secretary.
School of Postgraduate Studies,
Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola.
P.M-B. 2076,
Adamawa State, Nigeria. Adamawa State.
vi. All documents are to be sent in duplicate.
vii. Applicants are required to download the Transcript Request Form, complete it and send it to their previous institute and make a THOROUGH ARRANGEMENT with theinstitute to forward copies of their transcript along with the duly completed Transcript Request Form to the aforementioned address. Without transcripts applicants‘ forms, shall not be processed.
All candidates are required to have a functional email for the purpose of this application (and future interactions with SPGS) through which information can be sent. The School of Postgraduate Studies also requires an applicant to have a mobile number to which text messages (SMS) could be sent Applicants are expected to check their e-mail and message boxes regularly for update. On admission. you are guaranteed of quality education and early completion as long asyouarehardworldng.
For more instructions on how to apply.kindly visit